Jenniffer Miranda M.

Jenniffer Miranda M., Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, at University of Chile. She received her master degree in Clinical Psychology Research and her doctoral degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. She has a long career as a clinical psychologist and co-founded the Group Psychotherapy Unit for Children at the Center for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault (CAVAS) of the Chilean Investigations Police. She has been leading a seminal research project in Chile and Latin America, focusing on children and adolescents growing up in the context of intimate partner violence and the co-occurrence of different types of victimization. Her research interests and international publications include early and cumulative victimization/polyvictimization experiences, victimization/polyvictimization impact, coping strategies and resilience, both throughout the lifespan and across generations. She currently serves as a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences, at the University of Chile.