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ResilienceCon Policies, Terms & Conditions

ResilienceCon 2025
Before 12:00pm Eastern time, March 1, 2025, a $75 processing fee will be applied to refunds. After 12:00 pm Eastern time, March 1, 2025, refunds will not be issued for any reason.

Inclusiveness Policy for ResilienceCon, ResilienceComm, and all Life Paths Research Center Activities

Life Paths Research Center and its partners seek to create an atmosphere at ResilienceCon, ResComm, and other Life Paths activities in which participants may learn, network, and converse with colleagues in an environment of mutual respect. ResilienceCon, ResComm, and other Life Paths activities seek to contribute to the building of new academic cultures and, more widely, new inclusive institutional cultures that genuinely respect and appreciate difference and diversity – whether differences are of class, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, age, disability status, language, or religious belief, or are epistemological or methodological in nature.  We seek to empower and center marginalized voices, by going beyond just recognizing differences to recognizing the power dynamics that result from difference and actively trying to disrupt those power differentials.

Everyone who attends the annual meeting is entitled to an experience that is free from harassment, bullying, and intimidation, including any form of unwelcome sexual advances or contact, and any discrimination based on class, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, age, disability status, language, or religious belief. By attending the meeting, all participants accept the obligation to uphold the rights of attendees and treat everyone with respect.

ResilienceCon, ResComm, and other Life Paths activities do not seek to limit the areas of inquiry of its members or to curtail robust scholarly debate. Their aim is to promote critical and open inquiry that is free of personal harassment, prejudice and aggression.

Life Paths Research Center endorses the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and conference communications should be consistent with respect for the rights of all humans.

Please note that ResilienceCon, ResComm, and other Life Paths activities standards’ supplement but do not replace the ethical and professional guidelines of other organizations to which participants may belong.

If a ResilienceCon attendee experiences or witnesses harassment, bullying, or intimidation, the attendee may contact a ResilienceCon co-chair, program committee member, or staff person to make a confidential report.  The ResilienceCon co-chairs will contact the person who reported the behavior, and, if warranted and with the permission of the person making the report, contact the person about whom the complaint has been made. ResilienceCon may take further action, such as removal of an individual from the meeting, if complaints are made onsite and such a response is deemed necessary.

Note:  Adapted from a review of other materials, including the harassment policy of the Society for Classical Studies and the writings of Hall and Tandon (2017).

Suggestions for promoting inclusivity in your presentations:

1) Consider diversity when forming panels.

2) Learn about the recent trends in “inclusive citation.” For example:

3) Not every presentation or paper needs to focus on issues of diversity, but avoid treating majority white, cisgender, heterosexual, middle class samples as more “universal” (either explicitly or implicitly) than any other group or somehow representing a neutral default.

4) Consider adding analyses (quantitative or conceptual) that shed light on similarities and differences across groups.

5) Consider the composition of your research team and who you are working with.

6) Consider contextual and structural issues when working with/analyzing data from marginalized communities to show understanding of the structural issues faced by communities, rather than simply focusing on individual level factors.

Last updated 2/19/2019

ResilienceCon Grievance Policy

Life Paths Research Center seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances or complaints in a fair manner.  We expect all participants to uphold our Inclusiveness Policy and to adhere to the ethical standards of their profession.  Grievances on any matter can be submitted in writing to: Sherry Hamby, PhD, Co-chair, or 931-463-1610. Submissions must be signed and dated. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems. A response will be offered within 10 days of the submission. 

ResilienceCon Accommodations for People with Disabilities

The Scarritt Bennett training facilities are handicap accessible. Individuals needing special accommodations, please contact: Liz Taylor at